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Tips on Writing an Essay about Yourself

Ujwal Deshmukh
Often, we are in a dilemma when asked to speak about ourselves. Here we will give you some tips on writing an essay about yourself.
Essay writing is a rare art. Certainly, there are many people good at speaking, solving math problems, singing, dancing (of course, all these are also artistic!!) but, there are very few people, who are able to write a sensible and informative write-up within very less time, and that too, with no mistakes!
People get confused when they are told to write something on their self personality. However, this is very simple, given that the matter is best known to you! All you have to do is gather the facts about yourself and then compile them.


At the outset, understand that an essay is a set of well-researched and well-compiled information. This, therefore, states that you need to study things properly and then start writing.
This art aims at honing your writing skills, exploring your creative thinking, imagination power, and increasing your knowledge about different subjects. It also encourages you to create your own content, pen down your own thoughts and views on certain issues. It is actually a great platform for all of us to put down our thoughts and share it with others!

Standard Format

The standard format is introducing the topic in the introduction part, writing the researched and studied content, and then concluding the piece with a well-written and positive conclusion.
You can start with a rough format and then make it fair, by checking for paragraphs, spelling mistakes, and information verification. You need to read whatever you have written twice before you submit it, and look on for more mistakes pertaining to grammar, sentence formation, etc.
You can also add some topic relevant quotes in the beginning or in the end. The bottom line of the whole discussion is to write something that is informative, creative, and well-formatted.

Tips to be Followed

The Beginning

Do not directly start with the topic. Start with a short introductory paragraph, that gives an idea about the content. Do not extend the first paragraph unnecessarily. When done with the introduction, you can start with the actual subject with some kind of one liner that best describes your personality. This would make it more interesting and readable.

What to Include?

What to include or exclude is completely your decision. However, as a guideline, state your personality in brief, your family and educational background, hobbies, what you intend to do in the future, and your values. The more you have in you, the more it comes on paper. So, include things, which could interest the reader.
Share some of your experiences, write about instances in the past that have taught you a lesson for a lifetime, and also write about some instances, which were funny or embarrassing. Take up some current topic and express your honest thoughts on it.
While expressing thoughts, make sure that you don't write anything that offends or hurts someone's feelings. Try to be diplomatic and assertive. Write a sensible and positive conclusion.

Arranging the Content

Once you have prepared a rough text of the entire content, you can move onto formatting it. Remember that the flow is important, and therefore, arrange the content in such a way that the flow is smooth and easy to understand. Keep your self description part in the beginning, followed by past instances, embarrassing ones and eventually the funny instances.

Proofreading for Errors

This is an important aspect. Proofread the entire work twice or thrice, and identify mistakes made in sentence construction, spellings, punctuation, etc. Once again, read the article, now from the reader's point of view. Make sure that the flow is smooth, and there are no obstructions or unnecessary sentences anywhere.
To make your essay more enjoyable, write about some funny things of your childhood as well. Seek help from your parents in this regard. So, go ahead and explore all those facts about yourself, which you had forgotten with the course of time.