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Types of Content Articles

Tulika Nair
In this story, we tell you how you can differentiate between content articles and the ways in which they are categorized.
A written work published either in print or online is referred to as a content article. There can be many different reasons for writing an article, from writing on current affairs, academics, and research, to feature articles. The writer needs to decide on a topic, that in more cases than one, is related to a news event.
While writing, it is important that the writer remains objective and is impartial. There are many different types of content articles, and the different ways in which these are categorized is given below. They can also be categorized according to the medium for which they are written.
So, you can have articles that are written for a newspaper, which are known as news articles. Other than that, there are articles written for magazines, academic papers, journals, websites, blogs, encyclopedias, articles written specifically for marketing purposes, etc.
Article writing can be very different from creative writing, which is a more personal form of expression and does not need the writer to follow any specific rules.

Categorization According to Content

Depending on the type of content you are writing, there are many different types of articles. The ones written in journals are very different from those in a magazine or a newspaper. This is especially true, because journals are generally academic in nature, and stick to a specific writing format. 
The articles in a newspaper or a magazine need a difference in the treatment that they are given. If you are a freelance writer looking for a break in the magazine or newspaper business, then you need to know what the different types of articles are.
  • Feature Articles:
    These articles covers a large range in magazines, form service articles that review products for the consumers, to How to articles, which provide readers with instructions on performing a specific task. 
Other articles that come under this category are self-help articles, human interest articles which narrate experiences and stories of real people, profile articles about celebrities, interviews, investigative articles, travelogues, etc.
  • Filler Articles:
    While planning a magazine or a newspaper, the editor may often come across spaces in the magazine where there is a need to include a short piece of about 200 to 300 words. 
These small filler articles are a great way to fill the space and include snippets of interesting information. Often, new writers on the staff are given the responsibility of coming up with ideas for filler articles.
  • Timed Articles:
    Articles are often categorized according to when they can be published. There are some articles that are seasonal and can be printed only during certain festivals, like articles about Christmas or Valentine's Day. 
There are still other articles that are known as evergreen articles, which can be published as an appropriate piece at any time during the year. One of the important writing tip for new writers is to always have a few evergreen articles in their portfolio.
Other articles according to the content are op-ed articles, which are opinion pieces published opposite the editorial page, personal experience articles that are written in first person, and columns which are short pieces written in first person which appears on a regular basis.

Categorization According to Writer

This is not a differentiation or categorization process that is used very often, but you may often come across articles that are categorized as in-house or those by voluntary/freelance authors. The best way to categorize articles according to who has written them is to divide them as follows:
  • Staff Writer: An article written by a staff writer is one that has been written by someone who is on the payroll of the organization.
  • Freelance Writer: A freelance writer is not on the payroll of the publication, but is often assigned topics to write for the medium. These articles are usually assignment based.
  • Unsolicited Writer: More often than not, magazines, newspapers, and websites receive articles that may or may not have been solicited by the organization. They often receive articles from people looking for a breakthrough in the field of writing.
These are just the different categories that content articles can be divided into. Article writing can become much easier once you understand what the different types of articles are, so that you can decide which type you are best suited to. Pursuing writing professionally can be challenging, as it is not very easy to get a break in the field.
But, with the Internet becoming as widespread, there are many more opportunities. Start your own blog or freelance with a content writing website. You may just get that chance that you were looking for.