Let's find out the most important moments in the history through this story.
bilal ben
Have you thought about which are the most important events in history? History is full of major defining moments, not all historical moments are created equal. Some of these moments have had a significant impact on the world we live in today.
You can say that our world would not be the way it is today if it wasn't for these historical moments.
This story is about twisting things around. It is about altering certain known 'historical events' and then asking the reader to consider how much truth there was in these 'events' to start with.
The book challenges the credence we give to history, which in many instances is penned by those who were not even eyewitnesses to the events they write about. Even 'miracles', purportedly witnessed by ancient saints, are accepted without question on these events.
This, therefore, may be the perfect time to revisit an apparently popular work that, despite its title, offers nothing less than a rigorous, considered and utterly events serious account of the conflict.
This book goes back to 546 BC, explores The Greco Persian wars including the Macedonian words of Alexander the Great in the ancient time of the Greek civilization.
That was one of the most developed good ideas were created in this space ideas about construction architecture medicine politics and military strategies the Greek citizen culture.
And then the writer talked about Alexander the Great, Born in Bella, Macedonia, in 356 BC, that became the king of Persia, Babylon, and Asia, and established Macedonian colonies in Iran.
That dominated all of Greece, and his opponent was the great Persian Empire which included the coastal regions of Asia Minor Egypt the Middle East the core of Persia the northern areas between the Caspian Sea and the mountainous regions of India and West India to the valley of the Indus River.
Alexander renewed his father's vow to avenge Persia's destruction of Greek city-states, to conquer Persia.
Also, the writer talked about the event that changed the course of the world, Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand on June 28, 1914, by a nationalist activist from the secret Serbian organization: Black Hand (Official: (l) Unification or death.
killing is the occurrence, leading to a chain reaction that could trigger the Great War. It's known today as the July crisis. A month after the shooting on July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia.
The book also engulfs readers into the Life of Jesus, the October Revolution, Great Depression, World War 2, the Black Death, Genghis Khan's Mongol Empire, and much more.