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Speech Writing Tips

Netrajit Laishram
A speech is one of the most powerful tools of mass communication. Modern-day speeches are well-planned that make a lot of difference to its quality.
"Half the world is composed of people who have something to say and can't, and the other half who have nothing to say and keep on saying it." - Robert Frost.
Robert Frost, the eminent poet, has observed the shortcomings in most of the speakers who failed to express their ideas to the audiences. Public speaking is about delivering the thoughts of the speakers to the audience effectively. There are speakers who avail the services of speech writers and some who write on their own, using some tips.

Speech Writing

A good speech captivates the audience with beautiful words that can hold their attention, without steering away from the primary objective. Speech writers with creative writing skills have made a profession out of writing speeches.
Some speakers are known to use writing software with good writing techniques to improve the quality of their speech. There are even working professionals with persuasive speech writing skills working as part-time writers.
The privilege of giving a speech arises at some point of time in most people's lives. Many people have the fear of public speaking which can be rectified by taking the help of professionals. A speech that is well-written and prepared in advance can help a person to face the audience with confidence.
There are on-line writing sites with different types of writing techniques which can make writing speeches much easier. Nowadays, it is also taught in schools to enable kids to write speeches on different topics easily.

Some Tips

Primary Objective

A speech writer should present and emphasize on the primary objective of the speech. One crammed with too many ideas will divert the intention of the speaker and confuse the audience.

Speech Structure

A good speech should be written in a structured manner to present the audience, with the ideas in a 'query and solution' form. It can be segregated into heading, body, and conclusion.


It should have a good-quality content in the right quantity. An excessive content, written in an uninteresting manner will dilute the idea of the speech and make it ineffective.

Target Audience

The writer should consider the type of audience for whom the speech is intended. The language or the medium should be easily understandable and comfortable for the target audience.


It should have multiple number of facts to validate it. Relevant facts related to the subject should be used, as without facts, however well it may be written, it will be invalid.

Emotional Quotient

A good writer can add an emotional touch to the speech by using personal stories, examples, and even some metaphors. A human touch is useful while presenting it.

Strong Opening and Closing

A strong opening will make an effective and strong impression and a good closing, a useful reminder. The first impression is very effective as it has a lasting impact on the audience. A good closing, with a strong call to act, can help in reinforcing and imprinting the idea of the speech in their memories.

Written Handout

A printed handout with details of the speech can be provided to the audience after it is over. A printed handout will be a written reminder and will make the audience more receptive to the speaker.

Simple and Short Language

Using short and simple words to express the idea without the use of jargon will make it easier for the audience to grasp it. Simple words and simple language will make it much clearer to the audience, making it easier to retain it.

Evaluate the Speech

A good speech can be improved by taping and listening to it before presenting it to the audience. The writer can make improvements with the feedback to bring perfection.
A speaker without creative writing skills can write a decent speech with the use of the writing techniques and skills available. These tips are also available in books and on online mediums.