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Proposal Paper Ideas

Writing a proposal paper for your research or thesis has to be up to the mark. Failing to do so could hamper the process of your research.
Komal Bakhru
Your proposal ideas for a paper could turn a lot in your favor. Being able to put across what it is that you require as part of your research is of utmost importance.
The entire procedure of planning a research paper or for that matter even your thesis could mean hard work, and the last thing you would want is to jeopardize the green signal that you could have gotten, had you been particular about what you were working on.
While it is important to be eloquent in both, thought and words, it is also essential not to go overboard. Therefore, it is vital to bear in mind that a good proposal is where it all begins. Once you know how to write a research proposal well, there will be nothing that could possibly get in your way.

Proposal Ideas for a Paper

The first thing that will show on writing this paper is the fact that you've done your homework well, and that you know exactly what you would like the outcome of your research to be. At no cost can this paper look haphazard, and like they're just a bunch of words clubbed together.
Clarity of thought at a time like this could help like nothing else would. Let's work around building that clarity for you now, and hope that it reaps some worthwhile rewards.


It all begins with the title, since that is what will first come to the notice of those going through your proposal. As clichéd and repetitive as it may sound, the title must be as clear as concise as possible.
You must remember that it is alright to use simple language as opposed to excessively fancy language, because at no point will that help in going an extra mile to impress the committee you will sit before. As long as it helps explain your research plans with ease, there is nothing else that is required of you.


Following the title, but preceding the introduction, is the abstract of your proposal. A compendium of roughly 200 to 300 words, the abstract must be a brief outline of how you plan working around the research topic.
A wise thing to do when it comes to the abstract of the proposal paper is to write the abstract after the paper has been completed. If you decide to write the synopsis first, it is possible that you may not do complete justice to it, especially because it is hard to summarize something that hasn't been written yet.


Another important aspect when it comes to proposal is to focus on a well written introduction. Make sure though, that an introduction limits itself to being an introduction, and not half your paper in the name of an introduction.
The body and a lot of other material is yet to follow, remember? While there isn't anything like a real word limit or page limit, it is advisable not to overdo it. Try to limit the introduction to the most significant factors that will come up in the rest of the paper. A well written introduction should not be longer than 2 or 3 pages at the most.


The review is all about accrediting prior works in the same field, or any of those that are being used by you as a source of reference. A well written review will indicate that you have a very clear idea / understanding of what you want to write in your paper. It'll also put across your knowledge of how to use previous works from the same field.
A well written review must include certain key aspects such as recognizing the need for citation of important papers, while avoiding that of the irrelevant. There must also be a level of coherence within the review, so as to show a consistent level of focus.


This section is quite possibly the most important. This section will contain the minutest of details regarding your paper, but with a certain discretion. The method section must not be written in a manner that will make it look like you have your entire research paper settled in there already.
While we did mention the words 'minutest details' a while ago, it is crucial to understand that it doesn't mean you divulge in obvious details. e.g., if your paper is regarding science research, you can skip the mention of equipment such as test-tubes, beakers, etc. Instead make a mention of those less evident elements that may be required.


In case of this section, the word 'result' just says it all. This section could be spoken of as a conclusion to your paper too. Conclusion, simply because, when speaking of results, you will be discussing deductions and inferences that lead you to finding all that you did, and all procedures that you would like to use at the time of your research paper.


Discussion suggests that you need to convince your reader about your levels of optimism about your research paper, but it is of equal importance to do so with a modest mindset as opposed to sounding over-confident or conceited about your work.
Presenting yourself with a certain level of confidence and open-mindedness towards criticism that may come your way is just as important too. Most of these factors will come into play at the time of discussion mostly.
All said and done, there are few other things that must be kept in mind at all times. Inclusion of references and citations, staying focused and on the point, maintaining a link or sequence throughout the proposal, are some such key factors.
Make sure that you follow the earlier mentioned when working on your proposal, and there is no way it'll get rejected, all you need is your confidence, and the rest will be a piece of cake.