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How to Write Fiction

Marlene Alphonse
Have you always harbored a feeling to write that can make you well-known or to win a Booker Prize? If your answer is yes, then welcome to the awesome world of fantasy. Fiction writing requires some exceptional skills...
One of the best ways of unleashing one's imagination is to write. Fiction writing is one of the most interesting genres, where there is no restraint on how to write or what to write. Anything that you think of writing can become a story.
The passion for creative writing will help you unleash your hidden talent of becoming a fiction writer. You only need to know the correct methodology to write fiction.
Fiction (taken from the Latin word fictum, meaning 'created') is defined as a literary work that is based on one's imagination. Fiction is one of the genres of literature that includes novels, dramas, poetry, prose, etc. Fiction has its own origin and is as old as literature itself.
There are three categories according to which fiction can be classified - by form, length and content. Each fiction story or novel revolves around some important elements of fiction like plot, the story setting, characters, theme and style.
Fiction is also classified according to the likes of the intended audience, for instance there are fiction novels available according to the age and taste of an individual. A good fiction writer keeps his audience entertained and glued to the book till the last page.

How to Write a Fiction Novel?

Writing a fiction novel requires only one thing; good imagination. If you can imagine about various plots with twisted endings, or can think of speculative stories based on normal things, then you have the spark to become a fiction writer.
Follow these tips on how to write a fiction book -
  • Plan a proper structure, like whether you want to write a fiction novel or a set of fictional stories, before you start writing. Decide about the plot, create characters and the setting of the story. 
You can also take ideas for the plot from dreams, newspapers, personal life, etc. where you will come across a plethora of incidents. You can also create a horror story or novel, if that is your forte.
  • Choose impressive and rare names for the characters in the story. This is the first thing that the readers will notice in your novel. The more rare the name, the enticing will the reader find the plot. Also, don't forget to give a detailed description of the characters like their family, occupation, etc.
  • Choose a proper story outline and plan out the process before actually writing a story. Once you have chalked out the plot, characters and story, start writing. But make sure that the plot reflects the characters' personality.
  • Begin by writing a rough draft of the story, by working out the details and main story line. Don't worry about the grammatical or syntax errors right now, there will be plenty of time to correct them later.
  • Once you are finished with the rough draft, read through the chapters and arrange them according to the continuation and bind them. You can get an opinion from your family and friends by telling them to go through it and mark for the mistakes.
  • Correct the mistakes and make a final draft of your novel and send it to a publisher.

How to Write Science Fiction?

One of the most interesting genres in fiction is writing a science fiction novel or story. Science fiction is a very diverse subject and one needs to get the appropriate details before he gets down to writing a sci-fi novel.
Follow the steps mentioned below on how to write a mesmerizing novel based on a sci-fi plot:
  • Before starting to write a science fiction, research properly and meticulously about the facts and make sure that the things written by you match with the general idea.
  • You can refer to other works of science fiction to get a brief idea on the technique to write fiction. But avoid reading these novels when you are writing a sci-fi novel of your own.
  • Select a target audience or a particular kind of group for whom you want to write the novel. Not everyone enjoys reading science fiction, so an effort to please everyone will not succeed.
  • Set your plot of the novel in an environment that your readers can relate to. Let the characters take on a life of their own and get out of difficult situations that they are exposed to.
  • After you finish writing the novel, read through it but try not to be over critical. Correct the mistakes and make a final draft. Your novel is ready to go to a publisher.
Now that you have gone through the guidelines of how to write fiction, grab a pen and a few sheets of paper and let your imagination run wild. Get ready to join the bandwagon of great fiction writers like Sidney Sheldon, Jeffery Archer and Robin Cook. Happy Writing!