A book report is one of the most popular assignments in school. It encourages students to read actively, not skip what they don't understand, and then write what they've understood. In this story, we'll see how students can write a book report and score great marks for it.
Usually, book reports are used to attract the readers so that they can buy a book that is released recently. Thus, they're also known as book reviews. Generally, the report will include the writer's complete analysis of the book. Journalists often have a tendency to evaluate the book on the basis of book reports submitted by expert reviewers.
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The reason this makes for a great assignment is the introduction of great literary works. Apart from this, considering the teacher's point of view, the aim of a book report is to examine the student's knowledge, grasping power, and ability to write.
The book report will contain a summary, the basic plot analysis, and opinions of the reporter on these. It will introduce the book to prospective readers. In a few paragraphs, it will present the gist of the book.
The book report may also talk about the author's previous work and relate the current work to it. However, this isn't compulsory, as long as the teacher hasn't specifically stated so. The most important part of a book report is the final verdict by the reporter.
While writing a book report, you need to be an avid reader and possess good writing skills. Sometimes, book reports take long. Though the amount of time will depend upon the length and subject of the book, it is important you don't lose focus and maintain a steady pace with your reading and reporting.
Important Steps while Writing a Book Report
1. Read the book in a systematic way. Always mark pages that you think have important details; basically, information that you can use.
2. You should collect all the important information of the book and read through it time and again while you write your book report.
3. What do you think people want to know when they consider reading a book?
4. Remember, you have context, the readers probably don't. Ensure you aren't stating facts that are difficult to understand or need a separate research.
5. Does your report compel or discourage the reader from buying the book? Is your report reaching a conclusion? If not, rewrite in a way that shows you are passing a verdict.
6. Once you're done with the report, ask a few people to read it. Of course, read it yourself a couple of times. Take into consideration suggestions made by others.
7. Some of the most important elements while writing a book report are the date of publication, name of the author, name of the editor, name of the publication agency, number of pages, complete title of the book, and the date of publication.
8. Always try to add some information about the author of the book. This information could be in the form of interesting trivia concerning the writing and publishing of the book - something the readers won't know from just reading the book.
9. Mention the author's own opinion of his work. Include a quote or two that talk about the author's, editor's, or publication company's opinion about the book.
10. Always give more importance to the summary of the book or what we can say is the actual review. Additional points, trivia, and quotes can be elements that make the report interesting and do nothing more than that.
Always respect the book you're reviewing. Remember, there is something great about every piece of literature. Keeping your personal opinions aside for a while, try to focus on points that can be praised. Always be critical of your own approach while writing a book report.