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How to Write a Science Research Paper

Lisa Smith
Writing a science research paper is a challenging task. Whether you are facing this type of writing for the first time, or you already have experience, it can be helpful to have correct guidelines to follow. This story provides you with all the basic elements of a science research paper.
The thought of writing a science research paper can be both intimidating and exciting. As a first-time author, you’ll have to face a different writing style, tons of materials, and countless data.
A science research paper should provide valuable and credible information and must be comprehensible. You must find and maintain the balance. Therefore, you need to know how to approach the writing process.

With these guidelines, you’ll learn how to write a science research paper in a methodical way.


First, you need to know how to structure the paper. The online resource has discussed the following format:
  • Title
  • Authors
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion (optional or not required)
  • Acknowledgments
  • References

Write an Outline

Creating a scientific research paper outline is very helpful. While it may seem like a waste of time, it is actually contrary.

After you have done your research, write notes that will help you to get the general idea of your paper. You can also take notes during the research, depending on what works best for you.
These notes will emphasize what needs to be changed in the structure. Instead of going back and forth, correcting your paper over and over again, an outline will be your guide and save you a lot of time and patience.


The abstract usually consists of one paragraph. It summarizes your work and gives the readers an insight into what is to come. What it should consist of, is:
  • the purpose of the paper
  • the methods you used
  • answers to the questions you investigated
  • a brief summary of the conclusion


This part of your research paper needs to address the questions that you have raised. One or two paragraphs will be enough. By using the form of the hypothesis or a problem, explain the purpose of your research.

Materials and Methods

This section presents the methods or materials you used to carry out the research. You need to describe in detail the protocol of your research. The protocol is the key element which will bring you to a certain conclusion.

In case you are having trouble with this part, there is an option to buy research paper online.


The discussion serves the purpose of interpreting the results and explaining the questions you have raised based on those results. You need to show the connection between the hypothesis and results.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t include references in this section, only present your results.


Now, let’s explain how to write a conclusion for a science research paper. A conclusion can be optional because you’ll explain your findings in the discussion.

However, if you do write a conclusion, it needs to wrap up the whole paper. It is a final touch that completes the whole process.

Editing and Proofreading

Before submitting the paper, make sure that it is error-free and readable. Keep in mind that no one will accept a research paper full of errors.

Aim for Clarity, Simplicity, and Accuracy

If your paper isn’t clear, concise, direct, and accurate, there is no data in the world that will make up for that. The level of your writing needs to be appropriate for your readers. You shouldn’t use complicated words just to sound smarter. Explain the notions as simple as you can.
Hopefully, these tips have simplified the process of writing a research paper and cleared your doubts. As long as you follow the structure and focus on perfecting every step, you will undoubtedly, have nothing to worry about.