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How to Speak English Fluently

Rashida Khilawala
If you are facing problems learning English language, here is your chance to speak English better.
Communication is the string that holds the world together. Thanks to the concept of a universal language, now, communicating with anyone, in any part of the world, is relatively easy. This globally universal language is English.
English is a language that has aspects of other languages in it as well, making it easier to learn and follow. In today's world, therefore, knowing English is a prerequisite. To be able to speak fluently, is what all of us desire and try to achieve.

A Few Pointers

Desire to Learn

First and foremost, find out if you have the desire to learn the language. Nothing can be achieved if you do not have the willingness to do it. Therefore, ask yourself if you have the right amount of desire.

Faith in Yourself

Do you think you can learn an entirely new language? Well, you can. Learning a language is easy, and this has been proved by so many people, over and over again. Therefore, you just need to believe that you can, and take the plunge.


Do you believe that you are not confident enough? or would you shy away to speak the language, because you are scared that you might make a mistake? You have to accept the fact that you cannot learn anything, without making mistakes. It might be embarrassing, but as long as the end result is optimum, it really does not matter. Does it?


You need patience for everything that you do. Just like you cannot learn to ride a bike without falling a couple of times, you cannot learn a new language without failing. It is a part of the process, and if you give up at this point, you would never be able to make it. So, find out within yourself if you have the patience to wait.

GRAMMAR is Not Your Solution

Most of us make the mistake of trying to learn speaking, by stressing on Grammar. While learning your Mother Tongue, were you taught the Grammar first? Of course, the answer is NO. The obvious reason why you should not try to learn Grammar here is, that Grammar will only make it more difficult. Speaking a language is always about fluency.

Never TRANSLATE from Mother Tongue

Translating statements from mother tongue into English, is one of the biggest mistakes that most people make, as the mother tongue is completely different from how English is spoken.
For example, the position of the verb and the object, changes with different language. In English, the verb always comes before the object, however, it might not be true for your native language. Therefore, always frame your sentences in English, before saying them. This might get difficult, but this is the right way to go about it.


Proper pronunciation is very important while learning spoken English. There are many ways to learn how the words are spoken.
Online tools: Online tools are a very good option, as you can listen and re-listen till you get the word right. Many user-friendly tools are available, that can be of very good help and come to your rescue.
Movies/TV Shows: Watch as many English movies/ TV Shows as you can. You just need to listen carefully, and you would get the flow. Also, watching the news every morning can be a part of your daily English practice session. You would notice that you are able to catch the language better.

Read, Read and READ some More

Reading novels, story books, dictionaries and newspapers, increases your vocabulary immensely. Reading not only increases your knowledge but also gets you to know how vivid and colorful a language can be. The use of words to express your emotions, can leave you spellbound. Reading can actually change your entire perspective towards the language itself.

Try to Learn PHRASES

Phrases would help you construct your own sentences, using simple words. Start your study with simple and everyday-use phrases. Slowly, increase the level with complex phrases. Keep reading, and then at the same time, continue using them. The more you use, the more comfortable you would become.

SPEAKING is Necessary

The best way to put your learning to practice, is by conversing. Your English might be broken, incorrect or accented. Your family and close friends would not make fun of you; they would encourage you to talk more. You will notice that with time, not only will your speech improve, but you will start feeling less conscious and more confident.

The Right GUIDE is Vital

We all need someone to guide us and motivate us. A good teacher plays a vital role, as he is the one who gives you the right material to study, tells you the best way and identifies your strengths and weaknesses. If you wish to learn without the help of a teacher, make sure you look for the correct material and study in a proper way.


Learning with a partner would be of great help. The sense of competition and the desire to do better, would drive you to work harder. Make sure the competition is positive, and it does not get into your head. Remember, it is meant to encourage and motivate you, not to drive you into obsession.
Learning a new language, sure is, intimidating. The only way to end the dilemma, is to show a little confidence and a little more desire to learn it. After all, it is a task that is easily achievable.