Are you in a romantic mood, and think that Spanish is the best language for romance? Then you should know how to say those 3 magic words in your language of romance. This write-up teaches you to express your love, helping you say 'I Love You' in Spanish.
"Entre lo que existe y lo que no existe, el espacio es el amor."―Anonimo
The translation of this beautiful saying, goes as, "Between that which exists and that which does not is the space called Love."
Well, they say the Spanish are known for their ability to express the emotion of love and passion better than all others. They also have an inane ability to create the fountain of love even in the heart of the biggest non-believer.
Saying 'I Love You' in Spanish
There are many ways of saying 'I Love You' in Spanish. As mentioned, these are very loving people. However, methods and techniques aside, let us see the basic translation of these three words in Spanish.
I Love You = Te Amo.
Yes, just two words encompass so many emotions. Let us now see how to say 'I love you too' in Spanish.
I Love You Too = Yo También Te Quiero
Well, don't you just feel like breaking into a salsa or something when you hear these words in your head? So, what do Spanish lovers say when they miss each other.
I Miss You = Te Echo De Menos
Well, anyone would fall in love with the Spanish language. Such love in each syllable, how do they do it? Anyway, let us now go on to seeing the other ways in which love is expressed (via words) in Spanish.
Quotes in Spanish that Mean 'I Love You'
These are several Spanish quotes that show the depth of the emotion flawlessly. The translation of all the quotes is in the brackets.
❤ "El Amor Es La Amistad Prendida Fuego Por El Fuego" (Love is friendship set on fire.)
❤ "Usted Es La Fuente De Mi Ser" (You are the fountain of my being.)
❤ "Te quiero y solamente usted" (I love you and only you.)
❤ "Cierro mis ojos y te imagino junto a mi" (I close my eyes and I imagine that you are close to me.)
❤ "El amor es ciego" (Love is blind.)
❤ "Echa mano a la ligera; soltar a la ligera Este es uno de los grandes secretos de la felicidad en el amor" (Take hold lightly; let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets of felicity in love.)
❤ "Mi amor no conoce límites, ya que ha conquistado todo, sólo para llegar a ti!" (My love knows no bounds, for it has conquered all, just to get to you!)
❤ "Con la moral corregimos los errores de nuestros instintos y con el amor corregimos los errores de nuestra moral" (With the correct moral errors of our instincts and the love we correct the mistakes of our morality.)
❤ "El verdadero amor no es el que perdona nuestros defectos, sino el que no los conoce" (True love is not forgiving our faults, but he who does not know.)
❤ "El amor más fuerte y más puro no es el que sube desde la impresión, sino el que desciende desde la admiración" (Love stronger and purer is not shooting from the print, but he who descended from admiration.)
Well, aren't these just the most beautifully written sayings about love that you have ever come across? Saying 'I love you' was never a more passionate gesture. So, take the chance and tell your querido (Spanish for 'loved one'), how you feel about them.