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How to Improve Your Writing Grades

Here are some basic tips on how to improve your writing skills.
John Jefferson
Various written assignments are among the most common types of paperwork assigned to students, irrespective of colleges or disciplines. However, not all students are on very good terms with this kind of work – often not even because they don’t understand the material, but because they are simply not cut out for such activities.

1. Talk to Your Teachers/Professors

The person who knows best what is right and what is wrong with your studies is the one whose job is to teach you. So why not ask the professionals for an insight into what you should concentrate on in order to improve?
Inquire about what you should work on and pay extra attention to – it is more than likely that professionals will share some useful advice.

2. Hire a Writing Service

This approach may seem unethical, but in the long run you don’t even have to submit the paper you receive as your own. Some companies of this kind are actually quite good and can provide you with a genuinely well-written essay – which means that once you get one, you can easily model your own writing after it.

3. Fight Procrastination

Procrastinating means endlessly putting off things you don’t want to do and distracting yourself with short-term pleasures – which, in the long run, may not even be all that pleasant. As a result, you don’t get the necessary work done and don’t particularly enjoy time you “get” by putting it off.
As we are talking about academic writing, there is a chance that it is one of your least liked activities – and the reason why you aren’t very good at it may be because you always leave it until the very last moment and then try to do a month’s worth of work in a single day.

4. Revise, Proofread, Edit

This one flows naturally from the previous tip. If you organize your work so that you don’t have to do your writing in a hurry the night before the deadline, you will have enough time to revise and proofread what you’ve written. Quite often it lets you see your work in a completely different light.

5. Read and Write

No big results are ever achieved quickly and without effort. The key to significant improvement of your writing is doing a lot of reading besides what is required by the curriculum and writing a lot. And by ‘a lot’ we really mean a great lot of writing: only practice can make your efforts really shine.
Some of these tips are quick fixes that can help you scrape though in short term; use them if there is a genuine danger of your flunking a grade right now. Others are long-term solutions – stick to them if you really care about your success.