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How to End an Essay?

Tulika Nair
At some point of time or the other, you would have written an essay but do you know how you should end your writing? In this story, we tell you how to give your essay a proper ending.
There are some things that are a part and parcel of every student's life, especially in language classes. Letter writing, poetry recitation, and essay writing are integral constituents of every language that you learn. Writing an essay can be an easy task, but writing a good one is a completely different ball game.
There are some things that need to be exceedingly effective. This includes having a brilliant introduction, ensuring that you lay out your arguments in proper sequence, and ending with a conclusion that has the desired impact.
While most of us always pay a lot of attention to the introduction; searching for a perfect quote to begin with or giving our own personal experience, the conclusion is more often than not ignored. Since you leave your reader with the conclusion it is important to end your piece of writing well.

The Best Endings

Why is writing a good conclusion so important? Well, take the example of your favorite detective series. What is the one thing you remember about the episode at the end of the day? For most people it is the way it ended. The same is true for novels, articles, movies, and essays. The part with the most impact should ideally be the conclusion. It is the last attempt on your part to convince your readers that your argument is credible, and to impress them with your writing skills.


You do not necessarily need to use a quote by a famous person. You could also alternatively use a statistic that proves the point you are trying to make. The problem with using a quotation is that it is considered to be a lazy way to end an essay. This may not be true if the quotation follows a logical path from the concluding paragraph.


Using ironic words may not be a method that is used very often but it can be quite an effective way. If the rest of your essay is written in a manner that is crafty and the construction, sarcastic, then using irony can be quite the masterstroke. But do ensure that the use of irony does not seem out-of-place when compared to the rest of the writing.


A short story or an anecdote that has some relation with the essay and proves the point you are trying to make can be an intriguing way to end it. It involves the reader and captures the reader's attention. Also more often than not this is one of those endings that definitely is retained by the reader.


A commonly used technique is summarizing the entire essay using a couple of sentences. This, though, is a very boring way of ending your writing and more often than not does not have the impact you need. Refer to any good example, and you will notice how they refrain from using a summary paragraph as the ending.
It is important that the conclusion have an immediate impact. Without that, your essay is never going to be considered a good piece of writing.