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How to Cite a Movie

Veethi Telang
Amidst a dissertation, but can't figure out how to cite a movie? This write-up makes it easy for you to understand the art of citation and referencing, when writing a paper. Take a look.
A citation refers to the inclusion of acknowledgments or findings pertaining to a context, as a corroboration instrument. A citation is designated with alpha numeric value. The citation for any write-up measures the authenticity of given details by the author making his argument acceptable.
The standards prominently adopted for citations are Oxford, [3] Harvard, MLA, and American Sociological Association (ASA). Every standard affords differing qualities of conveying information, applicable to the type of distributed mass medium used.
Citations involve rigorous exercises in understanding its conventions, It takes consistent pruning of citing and referencing widgets to become an accomplished academic writer where the need for citations is the highest. If you don't practice, you'd never know what bits and nuances do citing and referencing involve.
Writers, genuine writers to be precise, are staunch subscribers to zero plagiarism, and have established that learning, citing, and referencing is a must. It's a tad different from citing books, journals, academic papers, but once you learn the fundamentals, it's plain-sailing.
The following cluster of words is a must-read, if you too have unwillingly cast aside your dissertation as a result of your incognizance with regards to citing and referencing.

Citing a Movie Using MLA Style

MLA style or the Modern Language Association style, unlike many other referencing styles, calls for parenthetical citations that are to be used within the text, and not as footnotes or end notes. Just so you know, this style also requires double-spacing of all text within the research paper.
Earlier, citations were supposed to include the journal volume and issue. However, as the MLA style of referencing upgraded, changes were reflected in many examples. Today, while citing a movie, website, or a TV show, every entry ought to include a method of publication, format, or medium.
All things considered, in order to give an in-text citation for a movie, you just need to mention the name of the movie, underlined, after the excerpt you have quoted from it.
For example, you could take Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The title of the movie, underlined, should be placed inside the parentheses. The following would be an ideal example of citing a movie in text: Wherever the genuine sword of Gryffindor is, it is not in a vault at Gringotts bank (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows).
One of the major differences in the present version of MLA style referencing and the previous one, is that the present version includes the usage of italics instead of underlining the format of a particular item, when one lists the works cited right at the end of the research paper.
While the previous was an example of citing a movie within the text, in order to cite a film name in the reference list that is given in the end (Works Cited), you need to start with the title of the movie, in italics. To follow the title would be the name of the director, the film studio or distributor, and then the release year.
While citing the Director's name, you need to use the abbreviation, Dir., before writing the name. Similarly, when citing a particular performance by an actor, you need to use the abbreviation, Perf., followed by the name of the performer. To follow would be the distributor or film studio, and the year.
Lastly, the medium you've watched the movie in needs to be given while writing a research paper. If it's an out-an-out film you watched in the theater, write 'Film' in the end (without the apostrophe). However, if it's a recorded movie in the form of a DVD or on Television, you need to mention in the same way.
An ideal example of citing a movie in MLA style, while listing the same in the works cited would be: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Dir. David Yates. Perf. Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson. Warner Bros., 2010. Film.
In case you watched the movie on a DVD, you need to put DVD in place of Film. The same method goes for television too. One of the most significant parts of citing and referencing is the usage of full stops and commas. These examples of citing a movie are in accordance with the latest version of MLA style referencing, and need to be followed as it is.
Cite as many movies as an exercise. A wrong research paper format is capable of putting a full-stop to your entire writing career. Oh, did you realize how important commas and full-stops are?