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15 Basic French Phrases You Must Know
Aboli Ghule
1. Salutations
Bonjour (bon jour)- Good Morning/Hello
Bonne après-midi - (bon apre midi)- Good Afternoon
Bonsoir (bon swah) - Good Evening
Bonne nuit (bon nwee)- Good Night
Salut (sa loo)- Hi (informal greeting)
2. ca va?
(sa va)
It's an informal way to say "How are you?"
3. Oui/Non
Use 'Oui' for Yes and 'Non' for No.
4. S'il vous plaît
(seel voo play)
This means 'Please
5. Comment allez-vous?
(komon tahlay voo)
This is another polite and formal way of saying
'how are you'.
6. Comment vous appelez vous?
(komon voojappel voo)
When you want to know someone’s name, use 'comment vous appelez vous'? i.e. 'What's your name?'
7. Je m'appelles
When someone asks your name, you can reply with
Je m'appelles ...
i.e. 'My name is ...
8. Enchanté(e)
Use it as a farewell expression, i.e. 'Nice to meet you.'
If you are a woman, say Enchantée.
And if you are a man say Enchanté.
9. De rien
(duh ryan)
"The literal meaning of the phrase, De rien is
“It's nothing" and also means “You are welcome.”
It is used as a reply to thank you.
10. Merci
"Thank You"
If you want to express extra gratitude, say merci beaucoup (mair-see bo coo). It means 'thank you very much'.
11. Excusez-moi
(eh skoo zay mwah)
It means "Excuse Me" .
12. À bientôt/demain
(a byon-toh/duh man)
“See you soon!”
A friendlier way to say, goodbye.
13. Je vais bien
(juh veh byan)
If someone asks you, “How are you?, reply with Je vais bien, i.e. “I am fine.”.
14. Je suis désolé
(juh swee day-zo-lay)
"I am sorry"
15. Au revoir
(oh ruh-vwah)